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Alex Jones - The Order of Death - Page 13

Author: Edward L Winston
Added: August 31st, 2009

This is page 13 of my discussion on the Alex Jones film The Order of Death. If you were linked here by mistake, please refer to page one of this article, which contains the introduction.

If you haven't read my article on the first film, please do it now! If you haven't, don't contact me and complain when you claim I haven't debunked anything in this article, because almost all of it is covered in the first film and barely touched on here.

[Alex Jones]
Aleister Crowley, who dubbed himself "The Beast" and the most evil man alive, was a fellow traveler with some of the most powerful people in British society, including prominent royals. 

Aleister Crowley did indeed refer to himself as "The Beast"[60]. However John Bull dubbed him "the wickedest man in the world"[61]. Crowley was born into a well off family, but due to his unusual behavior, he often did not associate with royalty. He did, however, enjoy mountain climbing, and several other well off, and well known, British climbed with him, such as Oscar Eckenstein[60][62].

The Church of Satan, the Temple of Set, the OTO, the Golden Dawn, Skull and Bones, Bohemian Grove, the Blue Lodge, the Scottish Rite, the 33rd Degree, it seems like there are hundreds of different occultic groups. But all they are are different denominations in the same religion: the Egyptian and Babylonian mystery schools.

In the previous film he kept saying "Canaanite, Luciferian, Babylon mystery" but now he's saying "Egyptian and Babylonian mystery", so which is? Well, it's neither, as I've shown several times, there's little connection between these except what Alex wants there to be. Let's talk about these groups he lists:

The Church of Satan
Founded by Anton Szandor LaVey its basis is "Satanism", a sort of "unreligion" where there is no god, no devil, or anything else. Satan is a term referring to one's self. It takes a lot from various occult practices and removes almost all spiritual reference from them. It also takes heavily from the writings of Ayn Rand, but it's important to note that Ayn Rand was not a Satanist[63][64]
The Temple of Set
This group is based on one man's philosophy of what he believes the Egyptian god Set told him. In various ways it's not much different than the Church of Satan except Satanists do not believe in an actual Satanic being (or any being other than human beings), but Setians do.[65][66]
The Ordo Templi Orientis - originally it was going to be a fraternal organization similar to Freemasonry, however under Aleister Crowley's leadership it turned towards the occult and adopted Crowley's philosophy as its own[67][68].
The Golden Dawn
The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn was founded by three Freemasons who were interested in the occult (most aren't; there are literally millions of Freemasons, so having a few weirdoes is inevitable) over time the organization changed into something similar to the OTO, chiefly due to influence from people like Aleister Crowley[69][70][71].
Skull and Bones
The Skull and Bones is a fraternity based out of Yale University for students. It has no occult history other than the fact, like many fraternities, there are secrets[72]. You can learn more about Skull and Bones on my Secret Societies page.
Bohemian Grove
As we've talked there's no real evidence to show that anything occult is going on at Bohemian Grove, other than a bunch of drunken rich guys.
The Blue Lodge
Blue Lodges are a term to refer to the Rite the lodge belongs to, and they a part of Freemasonry and have nothing to do with the occult.  You can learn more about Freemasonry on my Secret Societies page.
The Scottish Rite
The Scottish Rite is one of several different systems of Freemasonry, and has nothing to do with the occult. You can learn more about Freemasonry on my Secret Societies page.
The 33rd Degree
The 33rd Degree is the highest "rank" in Scottish Rite Freemasonry, and is based on a member's contributions to Freemasonry[73]. As you would have guessed, it has nothing to do with the occult. You can learn more about Freemasonry on my Secret Societies page.

The first two organizations are indeed occult organizations, and have only come into existence in the last 40 years. While older, the Golden Dawn and the OTO are also occult organizations, but they really have little connection to the Church of Satan, but there's likely some influence on the Temple of Set. The last five mentioned are not occult organizations and have no connection to the others. Furthermore, the last three things are all parts of Freemasonry, but are separated as if they're different organizations.

Albert Pike, who was the supreme grand mason of the entire world...

He was the Sovereign Grand Commander of the Southern Jurisdiction of the Scottish Rite, one of two jurisdictions in the United States. He was hardly the "supreme grand mason of the entire world."[74][75]

... founded the Ku Klux Klan. 

He did not found the Ku Klux Klan[76]. There were several different formations of the Klan. The first formation was founded by six Civil War soldiers: John C. Lester, John B. Kennedy, James R. Crowe, Frank O. McCord, Richard R. Reed, and J. Calvin Jones[77]. The second version of the Ku Klux Klan was founded again in 1915 by William J. Simmons - this was 24 years after Albert Pike was dead. I need not even bring up the third formation of the Ku Klux Klan[78].

But you don't hear Jesse Jackson calling for his statue to be removed in Washington DC. Why is that? Because Jesse Jackson is a 33rd degree mason. 

Jesse Jackson is not a 33rd degree mason, he's never been a mason at any time. He's also not an idiot who knows nothing about history[79].

Now don't get me wrong, most masons are what high level occultists call "porch masons" or "outsiders." They themselves are considered neophytes by those in the inner circle or those near the top of the pyramid. They're compartmentalized; they believe that their great work, as they call it, is to help society. But in reality they're being controlled and manipulated.

This theory originates from various anti-Masonic groups and writings, as a way to be apologetic and attempt not to push people away from their conspiracy theories. As I stated there are millions of Masons, and it's likely that each one of us knows at least one (or knew if it was a grandfather or something), so making the claim "well they're not all involved" is a way to avoid pushing potential conspiracy converts away.

The Knights of the Secret Circle, the Knights of the Golden Circle, this is what high level KKK members call themselves, but even low level KKK members do not understand that the KKK itself is part of a larger Masonic organization. Most Masons detest the Klan, but they've never looked on their own temple walls at the paintings of Albert Pike that adorn them and asked themselves why the founder of the Klan is hanging in their temple. This is the power of hidden in plain view, a favorite trick of Luciferians.

"Knights of the Secret Circle" is a conspiracy theorist invention, however "Knights of the Golden Circle" was a real organization that pre-dates the Ku Klux Klan. It changed its name a few times and fell out of existence after the Civil War and has no direct association with the Ku Klux Klan[80][81][82]. The modern KKK does not have a structure like the earlier versions[83]. There's no central authority. Originally the name of the entire organization was "The Invisible Empire" and leaders had title such as "Grand Wizard" and "Exalted Cyclops"[84]. Today the Klan is very small, broken up into militant, paramilitary groups numbering around 6,000 members in total[85].

Most Masons do indeed detest the KKK, this is primarily does to certain rules within Freemasonry such as "not being involved with clandestine organizations." Since Albert Pike was not the founder of the KKK there's nothing being hidden from Freemasons here. There's no trick by the Luciferians happening.

Alex hates it when people call conspiracy theorists racists, yet he's doing the exact same thing here. He's grouping all secret societies, fraternal organizations and so forth into a big group with powerful influence from the Ku Klux Klan.

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